суббота, 27 октября 2012 г.

Welcome to My Kingdom!

I try to mix rules of Warwick,Random and Medieval Charter Challenges. The time of my challenge is early medievial.

Noble families

Ap Orwill  (Welsh family)

Angrid ap Orwill

- no sense of humour
- disciplined
- hot headed
- frugal
- snob

Zodiac: Lion
Born: 940
Age: 60
Parents : Aeronwy ap Rhys and Cledwyn ap Rhys
Husband: Ofydd ap Orwell
Children: Dewey ap Orwell (968-1000) - died from the Black Death
                 Emlyn ap Orwell (972 - 1000) died from the Black Death
                 Morgana ap Orwell (974)
                 Owen ap Orwell (975)
Rang: Baroness

After the death of her husband and two elder sons, she became true ruler of the house of ap Orwill. Her survived son married wealth girl without any title, from merchant family, but with good dowry. Unfortunately all money from the dowry were sent to rebuilding old ap Orwell castle, and soon Angrid found that she and her favorite daughter Morgana couldn't live in the luxury style. She disliked young wife of her son, because that girl gave her not so huge dowry as Angrid had thought and she didn't see any child from that union after three years of marriage.

Owen ap Orwell

- brave
- slob
- athletic
- heavy sleeper
- snob

Zodiac: Capricorn

Age: 25
Rang: Baron
From his childhood age Owen tried to gain over his parents that he the best son. After his brothers died from the Black Death, he became the center of  his mother attention and .... he found that it wasn't so great as he had thought. His marriage to Rowena Corston wasn't his wish at all, but after marriage he and his wife became friends and now he tried to shield Rowena from his mother assaults and his sister sceptic comments.

Rowena ap Orwell

- over-emotional
- family oriented
- bookworm
- coward
- proper

Zodiac: Taurus

Age: 23
Born:  977
Parents: Nesta Corston and Rhodri Corston

Rowena dreamed  about big, friendly family, she and her parents wealthy merchants, were so glad when young and noble Owen ap Orwell asked Rowena's hand and heart, but soon she found that live with Angrid and Morgana was more harder than she thought. She had got poor health after moving to ap Orwell's castle. Stress and ilnessess became her constant partners, that's why she couldn't bear a helth child. But she hoped, that one day she could bear the next heir of ap Orwell.

Morgana ap Orwell

- supernatural fan
- gatherer
- snob
- evil
- ambitious

Zodiac: Lion

Age: 26
Rang: Baroness

Morgana's suitor died before the wedding and after this she became a spinster who was blamed in the death of her future husband. Lonely and evil she turned to the dark magic, she envied Rowena and tried to critic her very hard. But she understand that without children her family could lose their lands and castle. Morgana tried to use her magic power and help Rowena to bear a child. But she found that someone cursed their family and that curse was very ancient and strong.

Random Rules for ap Orwell family
M.S.: Couple and friend
Children: One
P.I.:Military Career
S.I.: None
S.I.: Alchemiest
G.G.: The opportunist
M.F.: Luxury

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