De La Fontain Family (French noble family)
Clement De La Fontein
- unflirty
- loner
- brooding
- night owl
- bookworm
Zodiac: Virgin
Born: 972
Age: 28
Parents: Clementina and Ambroise De La Fontein
Siblings: Donatien De La Fontein (967-1000) - unkown death
Jean-Pierre De La Fontein (970-1000) - unkown death
Rang: Count
Parents: Clementina and Ambroise De La Fontein
Siblings: Donatien De La Fontein (967-1000) - unkown death
Jean-Pierre De La Fontein (970-1000) - unkown death
Rang: Count
Clement was the youngest son in his familyand he planned to be a monck in the Monastery of St. Bernard. But after strange deaths of his father and elder brothers, they were found dead at their bedrooms without any harm, he became the heir of the house De La Fontein. He married Lionela De Montes, the girl who was the bride of his dead brother Jean-Pierre.Clement tried to care of Lionela whose heart was broken after his brother death.
Lionela De La Fontein
- over-emotional
- hot - headed
- hydrophobic
- coward
Zodiac: Virgin
Born: 976
Age: 24
Parents: Elise and Philipp de Montes
Rang: Countess
Parents: Elise and Philipp de Montes
Rang: Countess
Lionela always had got problems with her psychic health and after the strange death of her suitor Jean-
Pierre her mental health became more poorer that it was. She married Clement because he was like his brother, she even called him Jean sometimes.
Random Rules for the De La Fontein Family:
M.S.: Couple
Children: One
P.I.: Military
S.I.: None
G.G.: Idle Career
M.F.: Luxury
Random Rules for the De La Fontein Family:
M.S.: Couple
Children: One
P.I.: Military
S.I.: None
G.G.: Idle Career
M.F.: Luxury
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