понедельник, 12 ноября 2012 г.

Kendrick family (Welsh peasant family)

Bevin Kendrick

- family oriented
- charismatic
- mooch 
- proper
- supernatural skeptic

Zodiac: Virgin
Born: 935
Age: 65
Parents: Feidlimid and Cystennin Kendrick
Wife: Rhiannon Priddy
Children: Delwyn (955-1000) - was killed by barbarians, when they attacked the village.
                  Tesni (985)

  Bevin was born in the merchant family, but when he was a fifteen year old boy, his father competitors burned their house and Bevin's parents were burned with their property too. Bevin was afraid, he lost his parents money and he worried about his life. Bevin escaped to the another village of Simland Kingdom, he met Iolyn Priddy there. Iolyn took a poor boy to his family, Iolyn was a successful peasant, he was a carpenter, but he didn't have alive male heir, he had got only two girls. One of them was Rhiannon.Bevin was fell in love her and then they married. He was studied by Iolyn his profession of carpenter and soon he became a successul carpenter too.Unfortunatly his elder and only son Delwyn died in the geat masscare of barbarians. But Bevin hoped that his only grandson would be another carpenter too.

Rhiannon Kendrick

no sense of humor
- nervous
- night owl 
- family oriented
- over-emotional

Zodiac: Aries
Born:  940
Parents: Neasa and Iolyn Priddy
Siblings: Tinuviel (950-968) - drowned in the lake
Husband: Bevin Kendrick
Children:  Delwyn (955-1000) - was killed by barbarians, when they attacked the village
                   Tegwen ( 980)
                   Aerona (983)
                   Tesni (985)

  Rhiannon lived only for her elder son, after his death she felt into the great deprission, but soon when her grandson was born, she decided to carry about him. She thought that her elder daughter and mother of her grandson couldn'be such caring as she was. 

Tegwen Kendrick

- unlucky
- hot-headed
- never nude
- friendly
- natural born perfomer

Zodiac: Lion
Parents:Rhiannon and Bevin Kendrick
Siblings: Delwyn (955-1000)-was killed by barbarians, when they attacked the village.
               Aerona (983)
               Tesni (985)
Partner: Conor Crewe (965-1000) - was killed by barbarians, when they attacked the village.
Children: Gethin Kendrick   (994)

Tegwen met Conor Crewe at the local fair. She felt in love him at once, soon they became lovers and Conor decided to marry Tegwen. But Conor was  from the welth merchant family and his  parents didn't want to see simple peasant girl near their only son.  Conor refused to leave from Tegwen and they were planning to marry, but the day before wedding barbarins attacked the village and Conor was killed. His parents were shocked when they recognized about it, they blamed Tegwin in his death. But when Tegwen found that she was pregnant from Conor and when she born a son who was like his father, Conor's parents wanted to take a boy to themself. They said that Gethin would be their heir, but they demanded that Tegwen refused from the rights to her child and they couldn't meet in anytime. Tegwen couldn't do that, she moved to her parents and give to her son her parents surname. She tried to rise him up and carry about him,Tegwen painted perfectly pictures and sold them.

Aerona Kendrick

- couch potato
- slob
- night owl
- virtuoso

Zodiac: Cancer
Born: 983
Age:  17
Parents: Rhiannon and Bevin Kendrick
Siblings: Delwyn (955-1000)-was killed by barbarians, when they attacked the village.
                Tegwen ( 980)
                Tesni (985)
Class: Pesantry
  Aerona liked music and dances, she liked to come to the great will of village, because there were always a lot of people: gypsies, bards and all handsome young men came there too. But her parents worried about her behaviour, because Aerona made someone and then she began to think.
Tesni Kendrick

- great kisser
- perfectionist
- nurturing
-  childish
Zodiac: Pisces
Born: 985
Age: 15
Parents: Rhiannon and Bevin Kendrick
Siblings: Delwyn (955-1000)-was killed by barbarians, when they attacked the village.
                Tegwen ( 980)
                Aerona (983)
Class: Peasantry

 Tesni like Aerona enjoyed the life, she couldn't be serious girl, but she liked children and helping to her family, she worked like a nursemaid. But Tesni didn't think about the marriage and her own children, she preferred only cared about kids of her neighbors.

Gethin Kendrick

- brave
- bookworm
- friendly

Zodiac: Lion 
Age: 6
Parents: Tegwen Kendrick and Conor Crewe
Class: peasantry (but he could move to the merchant class)

Gethin didn't want to move to his another grandparents, he preferred to stay with his mother and her relatives. Gethin liked books and he liked to play with another children. Unfortunatly books were very expencive and he had got only a few.

Random Rules for the Kendrick family:
M.S.: Single Parent
P.I: Artist
G.G.: Photogenic
M.F. Hands off


пятница, 9 ноября 2012 г.

Peasant Families

O'Brien Family (Irish Peasant Family)

Alaois O'Brien

- adventurous
- couch potato
- absent minded
- star quality
- virtuoso

Zodiac: Libra
Born:  955
Age: 45
Parents: Saraid and Damhan O'Brien
Siblings: Aoibhe, Aoife, Bedelia
Wife: Ceridwen Monahan (died after the Black Death)
Children: Fiona (998)

 Alaois married very later, because he didnt' enough money for the wedding before it. But his young wife died after the birth of child, from the Black Death. Alaois returned with his daughter to his sisters who lived alone in the different village of Simland Kingdom. Alaois was growing up potato and salad to the king's family.

Aoibhe O'Brien

- hates the outdoors
- flirty
- brooding
- excitable
- genius

Zodiac: Taurus
Born:  957
Parents: Saraid and Damhan O'Brien
Siblings: Alaois, Aoife, Bedelia
Class: Peasant

 Aoibhe didn't have enough rich dowry and her future husband found another girl with money. Aoibhe stayed to live with her younger sisters, she didn't have children, but she became a successful midwife.

Aoife O'Brien 

- no sense of humor
- commitment issues
- excitable
- coward
- ambitious

Zodiac: Taurus 
Born: 960
Age: 40
Parents: Saraid and Damhan O'Brien
Siblings: Alaois, Aoibhe, Bedelia

 Aoife couldn't marry,because she as her elder sister didn't have enough good dowry. Aoife helped her elder brother to raising up potato and salad to the king's family. And she dreamed to be a nun, but the convinient demanded money for this too.

Bedelia O'Brien

- shy
- night owl
- neat
- perfectionist
- gardener

Zodiac: Sagittarius
Born:  978
Parents: Saraid and Damhan O'Brien
Siblings: Alaois, Aoibhe, Aoife.
Class: Peasant

 Bedelia was the youngest child in her family, she hoped to marry without a good dowry, she thought that her beauty could help her in that deal. Bedelia liked to work in the garden with her elder brother and carry about her lilttle niece.

Fiona O'Brien

- insane
- artistic

Zodiac: Lion
Age:  2
Parents: Ceridwen and Aloise O'Brien

  Little Fiona stayed without  mother in her early age. Her aunts tried to carry about her very well, but she needed the mother love. May be from this Fiona had got some strange aspects in her behavior.

Random Rules for the O'Brien Family:
M.S.: Single Parent with Double Help
Children: 2
P.I.: Gardener
S.I.: Midwife
S.I.: Culinary
G.G.: Perfectionist
M.F.: Live your trait



вторник, 6 ноября 2012 г.

Rivera family (Spanish merchant family)

Manuel Rivera

- technophobe
- hot headed
- proper
- never nude
- frugal

Zodiac: Cancer
Born: 958
Age: 42
Parents: Jordana and Vito Rivera
Wife: Teresa Benitez (died from the Black Death)
Children: Octavio (985)
Class: Merchant

 Manuel was happy in his marriage, his wife Teresa born  him a healthy son, he had got his own nectar business, but after the Black Death and death of his wife, he felt in the great depression and connection with his son became very poor. When his son became a teen, Manuel found that his only heir hated him and his deal, and blamed him in the death of Teresa.Manuel tried to become friends with his son, but sometimes he thought that they were only enemies forever.

Octavio Rivera

- over-emotional
- good sense of humor
- daredevil
- heavy sleeper

Zodiac: Sagittarius
Age: 15
Parents: Teresa and Manuel Rivera

  After his mother death Octavio became uncontrolled child, he hated learning and he run away three times from different schools. Octavio's hobby was evil, cruel jokes, especially with his depressed father. Manuel didn't know what to do with him, but people said that Octavio was simply crazy teen.

Random Legacy Rules for the Rivera Family:
 M.S.:Single Parent
P.I.: Nectar Maker
G.G.: Awesome!
M.F.: It's so you!

понедельник, 5 ноября 2012 г.

Lambert family (French merchant family)

Matthias Lambert

- workaholic
- brooding
- technophobe
- hot headed
- born salesman

Zodiac: Lion
Born: 960
Age: 40
Parents: Cecile and Modeste Lambert
Siblings: Prosper, Theo
Class: Merchant

After parents death, Matthias became cared about his two younger brothers, he tried to give them a really comfortable life and for that reason he worked very hard ( his business was rising fresh fruits and vegetables), becouse comfortable life needed a lot of money. Now when his brothers became young adult he wanted to create his own family and born a lot of children with a good girl. He even found that girl , but his brothers were against this plan, they wanted to use Matthias money and his hard work.

Bridgitte Poisson

- flirty
- brave
- great kisser
- gatherer
- snob

Zodiac: Sagittarius
Born: 975
Age: 25
Parents: Clothilde and Herbert Poisson
Class: peasant

She was a daughter of the simple fisherman, her parents died from the Black Death, and after that she came to work to Matthias as a ordinary servant, but soon he felt in love her and she decided to be more tender and cordial with him, becuse Matthias was her chance for the good, wealthy life.

Prosper Lambert

-great kisser
- virtuoso 
- party animal
- frugal
- grumpy

Zodiac: Cancer
Born: 973
Age: 27
Parents: Cecile and Modeste Lambert
Siblings: Matthias, Theo

He was against tha marriage of his elder brother and Bridgitte, because after that he would have earn money for his own life himself. Prosper had got some obsession - girls and music, but people said that Prosper felt in love Bridgitte too, and his protests were simply jealousy.

Theo Lambert


- loner
- over-emotional
- technophobe
- coward
- ambitious

Zodiac: Taurus
Born: 977
Age: 23
Parents: Cecile and Modeste Lambert
Siblings: Matthias, Prosper
Class: Merchant

 Theo was dreamed to be owner  of his parents farm, but unfourtantly he was the youngest child in the family and couldn't have the rights to to the farm. Theo was the best friend of Matthias before his elder brother met Bridgette. And then Theo became Matthias's enemy, because the marriage of Matthias was the real danger for the Theo's ambitious plans. He was afraid that Bridgette could bear helathy children for his elder brother and they would be the next owners of the farm.

Random Rules for the Lambert Family:
M.S.: Couple
Children: 5, heir ?
S.I.: none
G.G.: Hobby or Obsession
M.F.: Fashion Diva

четверг, 1 ноября 2012 г.

Merchant families

Llewellyn family (Welsh Merchants)

Mervin Llewellyn

- loves the outdoors
- perfectionist
- hot headed
- mooch
- artistic

Zodiac: Capricorn
Age: 73
Born: 927
Parents: Bronwyn and Cadfan Llewellyn
Wife: Winifred Powiss
Children: Mostyn (976)
                 Nerys   (980)

 His grandfather was founder of the great merchant dynasty, but now Mervin had got great problems with money His wooling business came to the end, because a lot of sheep died from the Great Black Death. He tried to save his deal, but sometimes Mervin thought that he couldn't do it.

Winifred Llewellyn

- insane
- disciplined
- night owl
- hot headed
-  kleptomaniac

Zodiac: Capricorn

Born: 930
Age: 70
Parents: Enid and Grwn Powiss
Husband: Mervin Llewellyn
Children: Mostyn (976)
                 Nerys   (980)
 Winifred was glad when her son married a good girl from the good Welsh family. but now she worried about her unmarried daughter, because she didn't have a good dowry.

Mostyn Llewellyn

- commitment issues
- neat
- grumpy
- evil
- over-emotional

Zodiac: Aries
Born: 976
Age: 24
Parents: Winifred and Mervin Llewellyn
Wife: Heulwen Argall
 Mostyn worried about his comfortable life and family money, he was disappointed when he recognized that his wife could take her dowry only when she born a boy. Mostyn hoped that his first child could bring a lot of money to his family.

 Heulwen Llewellyn

- party animal
- gatherer
- family oriented
- never nude
- proper

Zodiac: Virgin
Born: 980
Age: 20
Class: Merchant
Parents:Rhianon and Adolphus Apted
Husband:Mostyn Llewellyn
She was the only survived child of her parents and the heir of the great sum of money, but she could use them after the birth of the healthy boy. This fact was dissapointed her husband and her new family very much,and all members of the Llewellyn family were trying to create comfortable life to the future mother and their money hope.

Nerys Llewellyn

- absent minded
- great kisser
- party animal
- good

Zodiac: Gemini
Born:   980
Age: 20
Class: Merchant
Parents: Mervin and Winifred Llewellyn

  Nerys didn't have romantic connection, but she dreamed about good and attentive husband.She hoped that her mother could help her.

Random Rules for the Llewellyn Family:
M.S.: Couple
Children: One
P.I.: Animal Wrangler
S.I.: none
G.G.: Property Mogul
M.F.: Random Traits